Grief in the Face of Death

We are born fully knowing how to grieve, we cry to feel better and release our pain - it is a totally natural process and a very healthy one. However, as we walk through life we learn how to compartmentalize our grief because expressing it in an unwelcome place only leads to more grief.

One of the greatest gifts our animals teach us is to be present, be in the moment, even when that moment is shaking every bone in our body. Being with death every day, shows us the amount of strength, the raw power death brings. Facing death with total presence, takes you to the center of life. Yes, sadness is there, sorrow is there, and most times a heavy burden is there - but the animals teach how to be present with it. “Let it be there.” they say, “It’s a part of life and a part of maturity.” There is a price in not expressing one’s grief. There can be so much grief that we grow numb from the unfelt emotions. Unexpressed hurt and pain injures our souls and can be directly linked to many illnesses we experience in our lives. Grieving whether in private or in community has many scientifically proven health benefits from lowering blood pressure and risks of heart attacks to simply having a better quality of life. Not expressing our grief, or it’s improper release, is what is at the root of depression and general unhappiness. Each of us has a basic human right to experience a level of healing that is deeply and profoundly freeing.

Diane has been supporting families in nearly every facet of the trans-species relationship via both the Animal Soul and White Feather Farm. She follows the direction of Nature and the Animals, as they continue to remind her to remain open to the way things are and acknowledge what is.

“In closing i would like to acknowledge the deep sensitivity animals hold and their capacity to be with us fully. As we find our way through our pain and sorrow, it is vitally important to recognize that they too feel these emotions when a family member passes, perhaps more potently than we do.”

If you would like to schedule a counseling session with Diane, please email her or visit the link below.

For more information on grief counseling, email Diane or visit



  • lists pet loss counselors by state as well as support groups, hotlines, and cemeteries/crematories

  • The Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement lists pet loss counselors by state that have received a Certificate of Training in Pet Loss and Bereavement, a 10 hour course and exam under the direction of a psychologist.

  • The Psychology Today site has a search category for loss and grief, and the profile will tell you how much this is considered the counselor's specialty.


  • Through the Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement, professionally trained volunteers host chat rooms under the direction of a psychologist.

  •, a safe, monitored message board and chatroom available throughout the week, but most active during Monday evening candle ceremony (10 PM Eastern)

Planning Ahead | Euthanasia | Cremation | Grief