Exploring Tibet and Everest

My journey as a pet owner began on my 8th birthday, many, many years ago when I received a puppy from my parents, her name was muffin. Since that day, and the years and dogs to follow, I knew that at some point my life's work would revolve around animals. That began to take shape when my wife Diane and I founded Happy Dog Healthy Dog in 2004. I continued in my "other" professional life while she focused on making "Happy Dog" one of the area's only organic bakeries and one of the best resources for holistic care for companion dogs and their owners. Then in February our lives would be shown a new path with the loss our girl "Wools." She was "that" dog that hopefully everyone gets to experience in their lives. Diane delivered her litter 10 years prior and from that time we formed a bond that words can't simply express.

On the night of my 37th Birthday we got the news that so many pet owners dread, we only had a few days left with our girl, her heart was bleeding internally and nothing could be done. We invited all her human friends over to share a moment, and then we said our personal goodbye. Our veterinarian came to our home along with Ron Fox from Delaware Pet Cremation and with "The Sweetest Gift" by Sade playing in the background we said our final farewell.

A winter storm was approaching and the last snow of the year was predicted for the next day. Wools simply loved a good snow storm. We asked Ron if there was any way possible to get her back by the next morning so we could take some of her ashes to her favorite state park. He graciously obliged and we had a beautiful memorial, watching her soar in the snow and wind along with fresh cut flowers. A few days past and we saw Ron again and wanted to thank him for the care he took with our girl. The conversation lead to us telling him how grateful and fortunate the people in this area are to have him handle this most difficult part of having a pet. I said, "Wow, what a rewarding career" and he said, "I am looking for a partner who cares as much". After much soul searching, sleepless nights and a trip to Tibet it was time to get things in order in my other life and find my soul's purpose. While in Tibet at 17,000 feet at the base camp of Mt. Everest, I walked off alone with my girls ashes and picked some wildflowers. I found a nice spot facing the top of the world that was protected by some rocks and laid her photo, her ashes and the wildflowers and thanked her for showing me a new path in life. When I face a challenging situation in life, I go back to that moment on Mt. Everest and her death and it gives me strength to persevere, I hope you can find that same strength in your pets passing.

I joined Ron as a partner in what I feel is the areas most reputable and trustworthy cremation service. We handle each animal like it was one of our own, and while each person grieves in their own way, we have shared the loss that you are experiencing.

I share this very personal story and time in my life with you so that you may know a little about the people who are caring for your animal during this most difficult period.
